Polonina E., Leonovich S., Koleda E.

ELENA POLONINA, Postgraduate, e-mail: grushevskay_en@tut.by

SERGEI LEONOVICH, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Foreign Academician RAACS, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, e-mail: sleonovich@mail.ru

ELENA KOLEDA, Postgraduate, e-mail: elena_koleda@bk.ru
Department of Technology of Construction Production
Belarussian National Technical University
65 Independence Av., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220013

Physical and mechanical properties of nano concrete

Abstract: Consideration is being given to the effect of a plasticizing additive containing carbon nanomaterial and a superplasticizer on physical and mechanical properties of concrete. It was found that the use of carbon nanomaterials (CNM) significantly changes the micro and nanostructure of concrete. Due to the fact that the high-strength nanomaterial is the center of crystallization of the cement stone neoplasms, a hardened reinforced microstructure of this stone is formed, which significantly increases the strength of concrete. Inclusion of a superplasticizer in the concrete mix leads to a higher and more prolonged plasticization, which plays an important role in the monolithic concrete works.

Keywords: carbon nanomaterial, superplasticizer, uniform distribution, air entrainment, nano concrete, strength, water resistance, frost resistance.


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