Ship theory and structural mechanics

Original article

Kozin V., Vereshchagin V., Evtushenko S.

VICTOR M. KOZIN, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor at the Department of Shipbuilding, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory for the Problems of Creation and Processing of Materials and Products of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy,

Khabarovsk Federal Research Center FEB RAS

Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia

VLADISLAV Yu. VERESHCHAGIN, Assistant Professor, Department of Technology of Mechanical Engineering,,

Novosibirsk State Technical University

Novosibirsk, Russia

SERGEY V. EVTUSHENKO, Postgraduate Student, Department of Aircraft Engineering,

Komsomolsk–on–Amur State University,

Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia

Design features of hovercraft to increase the efficiency of the destruction of the ice cover by the resonant method

Abstract. The methods of increasing the efficiency of the destruction of the ice cover by the resonant method using hovercrafts equipped with additional structural elements are considered. Additional elements allow you to create additional physical impact on the ice cover, thereby increasing the destructive ability of hovercrafts. The presented review is based on the patents of the Russian Federation for inventions developed and protected by the authors.

Keywords: hovercraft, structures, ice cover, bending-gravity waves, destruction

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Kozin V., Vereshchagin V, Evtushenko S. Design features of hovercraft to increase the efficiency of the destruction of the ice cover by the resonant method. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2023;(4):3–14. (In Russ.).