Guide for authors
The “FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin” publishes original scientific articles and reviews on the results of scientific research and practical developments in engineering and construction fields of knowledge, architecture, technology, engineering, mechanics and shipbuilding. Reviews and short reports on new scientific publications on this topic are also accepted.
Journal Headings ▼
Publication Conditions
The publication of articles is free for authors, the authors are also not paid royalties.
Materials can be sent to the editorial office through a personal account or by e-mail:
By submitting a manuscript, the authors confirm that the work is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not being considered for publication in any other publication. Originality is determined by the Antiplagiat service.
The manuscript is accompanied by a signed agreement on the transfer of copyright and an expert opinion adopted by your organization on the possibility of publishing in the open press.
The article must be submitted in two formats: Word and PDF (to check the correct display of formulas, figures).
The volume of a scientific article is from 0.5 to 1 printed sheet (8–20 p.); reviews, scientific reports - up to 0.2 conditional printed sheets (1–4 p.)
The text should be formatted according to the model, the heading, UDC, information about the authors (full name, degree, title, position, e-mail, SPIN, ORCID, place of work, city, country, in Russian and English) should be indicated. The author responsible for correspondence is highlighted, his phone number is given (for communication with the editors, will not be published).
The contribution of each author is indicated, a conflict of interest is declared, the source of funding (fees, grants, etc.) is disclosed.
The list of sources includes from 5 to 20 titles (with the exception of reviews). Each source must have a link in the text of the article. Authors can refer to no more than 3 own works (self-citation). The list of references does not include legislative and regulatory documents (links to them are indicated in a footnote); textbooks and other educational publications; abstracts of dissertations. The list of references are drawn up in accordance with Vancouver Style.
Article Handling Process
The author responsible for correspondence is responsible for direct work with the text, answers questions, and agrees on the final version of the article. In correspondence with the editors, the responsible author represents the interests of all co-authors. To resolve operational issues, the responsible author indicates the phone number.
Each manuscript goes through the following stages before publication:
1. The editors check the received manuscript for compliance with formal requirements.
2. The article is sent for blind one-sided review (14-30 days).
3.1 If the article is approved for publication → a literary editor works with the manuscript.
3.2 If the article is approved with minor comments → the manuscript is sent to the author for revision (3-5 days) → the author makes changes to the text (highlights them with color) → the literary editor works with the manuscript.
3.3 If the article requires re-review → the manuscript is sent to the author for revision (5-10 days) → the author makes changes to the text (highlights them with color) + writes a detailed response to the reviewer with gratitude for the comments and a description of the changes made → the article is sent for re-review (see item 2).
3.4 If the article is rejected → the text of the review and a reasoned refusal are sent to the author. The author has the right to request a second review (see paragraph 2) from another expert once, subject to a detailed commentary on the comments made. The second reviewer will be acquainted with the opinion of the first expert and the author's response.
4. Literary editor makes corrections and comments to the text → the author must answer questions and agree / reject the proposed corrections.
5. The agreed version is in the editorial portfolio until the moment when the editor-in-chief forms the content of the next issue (once a quarter). The editors agree with the author on the final layout of the article immediately before publication. All authors are notified by e-mail about the release of the next issue of the journal.
Design Rules Copyright Agreement Sample Article Format