Работы сотрудников кафедры

Наиболее важные публикации по тематикам научных исследований, опубликованные за последние 2 -3 года:

1. Anisimov, A.P., Tokmakova, N.P., Zyumchenko, N.E., Kirsanova, I.A. The morphofunctional characterization and ploidy levels of the digestive gland cells in prosobranch gastropod mollusks (Prosobranchia: Gastropoda) with special reference to somatic polyploidy // Russian journal of marine biology. 2016. Vol. 42, Iss. 3. С. 243-251.
2. Anisimova, A.A., Ponomareva, A.L., Grinchenko, A.V., Kirsanova, I.A., Kravchenko, D.N. The composition and seasonal dynamics of the hemocyte cell population in the clams Corbicula japonica Prime (1864) of the Kievka River (the basin of the Sea of Japan) // Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2017. Vol. 43, № 2. P. 156-163.
3. Boyko A.V., Girich A.S., Eliseikina M.G., Maslennikov S.I., Dolmatov I.Y. Reference assembly and gene expression analysis of Apostichopus japonicus larval development // Scientific Reports. 2019. Vol. 9, No 1. P. 1131.
4. Brykov V.A., Efimova K.V., Brüniche-Olsen A., DeWoody J.A., Bickham J.W. Population structure of Sakhalin gray whales revealed by DNA sequences of four mtDNA genes // R.D. Bradley, H.H. Genoways, D.J. Schmidly, L.C. Bradley (Eds.). From Field to Laboratory: Special Publications, Museum of Texas Tech University: a Memorial Volume in Honor of Robert J. Baker. Lubbock, USA: Museum of Texas Tech University. 2019. No. 71. P. 441–454.
5. Dolmatov I.Y., Afanasyev S.V., Boyko A.V. Molecular mechanisms of fission in echinoderms: Transcriptome analysis // PLoS ONE. 2018. Vol.13. N4.
6. Dolmatov, I.Y., Ginanova, T.T., Frolova, L.T. Digestive system formation during the metamorphosis and definitive organogenesis in Apostichopus japonicus // Zoomorphology. Vol. 136, № 2. P. 191-204.
7. Erenpreisa J., Salmina K., Huna A., Kosmacek E.A., Cragg M.S., Ianzini F., Anisimov A.P. Polyploid tumour cells elicit para-diploid progeny through de-polyploidising divisions and regulated autophagic degradation // Cell Biology International. 2011. Vol. 35, Iss. 7. P. 687-695.
8. Kamenev Y.O., Eliseikina M.G., Maslennikov S.I., Dolmatov I.Y. The ultrastructural features of embryonic and early larval development in Yesso scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis // Tissue and Cell. 2018. Vol.53. P. 76–86.
9. Kamenskaya, D.N., Pankova, M.V., Atopkin, D.M., Brykov, V.A. Divergence of paralogous growth-hormone-encoding genes and their promoters in salmonidae // Molecular Biology. Vol. 51, № 2. P. 274-282.
10. Karetin Y.A., Kalitnik A.A., Safonova A.E., Cicinskas E. Description and classification of bivalve mollusks hemocytes: a computational approach // PeerJ. 2019. 7:e7056. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.7056
11. Kharlamenko V.I., Kiyashko S.I., Sharina S.N., Ivin V.V., Krylova E.M. An ecological study of two species of chemosymbiotrophic bivalve mollusks (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae: Pliocardiinae) from the Deryugin Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk using analyses of the stable isotope ratios and fatty acid compositions // Deep-Sea Research Part I. 2019. Vol. 150. No. 103058. P. 1-12.
12. Kumeiko V.V., Sokolnikova Y.N., Grinchenk A.V., Mokrina M.S., Kniazkina M.I. Immune state correlates with histopathological level and reveals molluscan health in populations of Modiolus kurilensis by integral health index (IHI) // Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 2018. Vol.154. P.42-57.
13. Oleinik A.G., Skurikhina L.A., Kukhlevsky A.D., Bondar E.I. On the origin of endemic stone charr in the Kamchatka River Basin // Hydrobiologia. 2019. Vol. 840. № 1. P. 21–33. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-018-3867-6
14. Sharina, S.N., Chernyshev, A.V., Zaslavskaya, N.I Genetic diversity and phylogeny of limpets of the genus Nipponacmea (Patellogastropoda: Lottiidae) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences // Mitochondrial DNA. Vol. 28, № 5. P. 703-710.
15. Sokolnikova, Y., Magarlamov, T., Stenkova, A., Kumeiko, V. Permanent culture and parasitic impact of the microalga Coccomyxa parasitica, isolated from horse mussel Modiolus kurilensis // Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 2016. Vol. 140. P. 25-34.
16. Sokolov S.G., Atopkin D.M., Urabe M., Gordeev I.I. Phylogenetic analysis of the superfamily Hemiuroidea (Platyhelminthes, Neodermata: Trematoda) based on partial 28S rDNA sequences // Parasitology. 2018. P. 1-8. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182018001841.
17. Каменская Д. Н., Панькова М. В., Атопкин Д. М., Брыков В. А. Дивергенция паралогичных генов гормона роста и их промоторов у лососевых рыб // Молекулярная биология. 2017. Т. 51, № 2. С. 314–323.
18. Панькова М.В., Кухлевский А.Д., Брыков В.А. Гены гормона роста: дивергенция кодирующих последовательностей у лососевых рыб // Генетика. 2017. Т. 53. № 2. С. 201-213.
19. Способ оценки здоровья морских двустворчатых моллюсков и состояния среды их обитания - патент № 2571817, 2015 г.
20. Шитова М.В., Марковцев В.Г., Животовский Л.А., Прохоровская В.Д., Афанасьев П.К., Орлова, Г.А. Рубцова С.Ю., Афанасьев К.И., Брыков В.А. Микросателлитная изменчивость кеты Приморья// Генетика, 2017. Т. 53, № 9. С. 1071-1077.