Oriental Institute Journal, 2017, №36 (4)

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UDC 327.56 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/4-12

Andrey V. GUBIN Sino-Japanese tensions in East-China Sea

The dispute concerning the insignificant at the first sight islands in the East China Sea risks to become a «trigger» of a serious regional conflict with global consequences. The problem is quite difficult to solve in a bilateral format as Japan still maintains ally relationship with the USA under the law binding treaty within hub-and-spokes framework. Washington tends to use coercion in East-China Sea to prevent separate agreement between Tokyo and Beijing and possible further rapprochement and sharing spheres of influence in East Asia. Actually PRC started a rather coercive line in the region that can affect the entire security regime if continued in other disputable situations. One of the most obvious variants of solution is joint economic exploitation accompanied with demilitarization and rejection from border and EEZ delimitation. Moscow’s detachment from this situation can be explained by its unwillingness to damage the developing dialogue with Japan, while simultaneously following the course on a strategic partnership with China.

Key words: China, Japan, East-China Sea, regional security


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  14. Poznyak T.Z. Dinamika obshhestvenny`x nastroenij v gorodax rossijskogo Dal`nego Vostoka v gody` Pervoj mirovoj vojny` // Vglyady`vayas` v proshloe: Mirovy`e vojny` XX veka v istorii Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii. Monografiya / pod red. d-ra ist. nauk, professora L.I. Gallyamovoj. – Vladivostok: DVO RAN, 2015. – 292 s. S.141–176.
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UDC 327 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/13-24

Ivan N. ZOLOTUKHIN Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: the current state of the problem

Among the unresolved problems and conflicts blocking peace, prosperity and stable development of the Asia-Pacific, Russian and foreign scholars emphasize the significance of territorial disputes in the South China Sea. The urgency of the conflict is based not only on the antinomy of the interests of its participants, but is also due to China’s claiming assertiveness, which significantly expanded the areas of its actual influence, as well as to growing involvement of the nonregional actors, which are in anxiety for a peaceful settlement of the disputed situation. The problem is of particular importance for the interests of Russia, which seeks to intensify cooperation with the states directly participating in the territorial conflict. The article contains the Russian vision of the problem, the issues of the correlation of the legal regulation of the territorial dispute, the national interests of the confronting parties as well as the geopolitical realities around the conflict. The article is based on the analysis of previous research and findings of Russian and foreign authors as well as of the data and documents on the focused problem

Key words: territorial disputes, conflict, the South China Sea, freedom of navigation, islands, territorial waters, exclusive economic zone


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UDC 327 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/25-34

Sergey V. SEVASTIANOV, Aleksey A. KRAVCHUK Territorial dispute between Japan and the Republic of Korea: arguments of the parties and prospects for resolution

This article explores the territorial dispute between the Republic of Korea and Japan over the ownership of the Liancourt Islands (Takeshima/Tokto). The authors provide the natural-geographical assessment of the subject of the territorial dispute and present the historical background of the issue. The paper also characterizes the current state of territorial claims and analyzes the official positions of the disputing parties. At the end of the article, the authors consider the prospects for resolution of the territorial dispute that could be solved either diplomatically or militarily. But, as is presented in the paper, there are several reasons for believing that both those scenarios for resolution are hardly probable. So, the authors presume that the dispute between Japan and the Republic of Korea over the Liancourt Islands (Takeshima/Tokto) will not be solved in the foreseeable future and will remain as one of the sticking points in relations between these Northeast Asian countries.

Key words: international relations, regional security, Northeast Asia, Liancourt Islands (Takeshima/Tokto), territorial dispute, the Republic of Korea, Japan


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UDC 327 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/35-47

Anton A. KIREEV Russian-Japanese relations around the Southern Kuril Islands: history, current state, and development options

Drawing upon the review of the history of the issue and the analysis of the current state of the problem of the Southern Kuril Islands, the author of the presented article outlines a number of scenarios for the development of political and diplomatic interaction between Russia and Japan in this economically and strategically key area of the Pacific. The main medium term scenarios for interaction of the parties are «conflictual», «contractual» and «inertial». The strongest impact on what scenario the territorial contradictions in the Southern Kuril Islands will develop in the future, from the author`s point of view, will be the factors of the international environment, and, primarily, the US-China balancing.

Key words: international relations, Russia, Japan, Southern Kuril Islands, the state border, territorial contradictions, scenarios


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UDC 952.01 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/48-61

Vladimir V. KOZHEVNIKOV Chinese factor in contemporary international relations

The article analyzes the process of formation of the early feudal state of Japan, which became known as Yamato. In archeological science this period is called the period of barrows (3rd-7th centuries). The main source of information about Japanese life in the Yamato period lies precisely in the mounds built for the dead leaders. Therefore, historians pay special attention to their character, content, and distribution. In the article the main stages of the formation of the Yamato state and their features are discussed in detail. Particular attention is paid to the process of formation of the basic structures of society management – systems of udzi, cabane and be. In the middle of the 6th century Buddhism penetrates into Japan. It corresponded to the idea of a centralized state. In fact, the arrival of Buddhism led to clashes between conservative forces and supporters of the reforms of the Japanese state, and Buddhism won. From the end of the 6th century – beginning of the 7th century the process of institutionalization of Japanese statehood was actively proceeding, and by the end of the 6th century, a sufficiently strong state of a centralized type was formed in Japan. This led to the implementation of large-scale reforms, which are called the reforms of Taika in the history of Japan. Their necessity was caused by the conflict between the traditional system of society, based on the kinship organization (Yamato) and the needs of developing statehood, which requires strengthening of territorial management principles.

Key words: Japan, Yamato, culture of barrows, cult of ancestors, ancient rulers, udzi, kabane, social groups be, genus Soga, Empress Suiko


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  6. Obyashi T. The Etnological Study of Japan’s Ethnic Culture: A Historical Survey//ACTA ASIATICA. 1991 № 61. P.1-23.
  7. Sensom George. A History of Japan. To 1334. Tokyo, Charles E.Tuttle Company, 1963. 500 P.
  8. The Cambridge History of Japan. V.1. Cambridge ,Cambridge University Press, 1993. 577 P.
  9. 網野 善彦日本社会の歴史〈上〉 岩波新書 =Amino Josihiko. T.1. Istorija japonskogo obshhestva T.1. Tokio. Ivanami sinsjo, 1998, 210 S.
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    Naoki Kodziro. Japonskie mify i drevnee gosudarstvo. Tokio.1994. 301 S.
  12. 小和田 哲男 日本の歴史がわかる本〈古代~南北朝時代〉篇 .知的生きかた文庫. 2010=Ovada T. Kniga dlja ponimanija istorii Japonii. T.1. Tokio 1993. 260 S..
  13. 佐原 真 騎馬民族は来なかった .NHKブックス. 1993= Sahara M. Narod- vsadnik ne prihodil. Tokio, 1998. 231 S.
  14. 上田 正昭 大和朝廷講談社学術文庫東京1997. 276 c = Ujeda Masaaki. Dvor Jamato. Tokio, 1997. 276 c
  15. 江上 波夫 騎馬民族国家―日本古代史へのアプローチ.中公新書. – 1991. = Jegami Namio. Gosudarstvo naroda-vsadnika. Tokio. 1998. 349 S
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UDC 811.521 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/62-74

Inna Yu. NAUMOVA Japanese economic terms: special features of word-formation and word-usage as the cause of lexical and semantic translation transformations

The following article analyses examples of word-formation and word-usage of current Japanese economic terms and word combinations; it also describes the main ways of the word formation such as loan words “gairaigo” – Japanese words originating or based on foreign language terms, including “waseieigo” (Japanese pseudo-Anglicisms); abbreviations (“ryakugo”), truncations (“ryakusyo”) and their combinations. The article proves the importance of Cognitive Linguistics approach to the analysis of texts on national economy, business and finance; and gives the definition to the translation transformations such as the addition of the words, which are absent in the original text, and the choice of the adequate versions of the translation according to special contextual features. The main sources for the research are the materials of the Japanese and English specialized dictionaries and scientific articles on various fields of Japanese economy.

Key words: Japanese language, economic terms, word-formation, word-usage, terminological system, translation transformations, loan-words, abbreviations


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  2. Pol`skaya, S. S. K probleme leksikograficheskoj fiksacii edinicz special`noj leksiki (na materiale yazy`ka professional`ny`x uchastnikov fondovogo ry`nka) // Voprosy` filologii. – 2009. – №1, Tom 31. – S. 101–107.
  3. Senatorov, A. I. Desyat` let administrativnoj reformy` v Yaponii // Yaponskij opy`t dlya rossijskix reform. – M., 2005. Vy`pusk 1. – S. 37–44.
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  5. Cambridge Dictionary: Rebate. [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Lingvisticheskaya baza danny`x Cambridge University Press. URL http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/rebate (Data obrashheniya: 15.07.2017).
  6. 青柳由紀江. 和製英語辞典 / 青柳由紀江, 亀田尚己, J.M. クリスチャンセン. – 東京 : 丸善, 平成26年. – 330頁. Aoyagi Yukie`. Slovar` yaponskix psevdoanglicizmov / Aoyagi Yukie` , Kame`da Naoki, J.M. Christiansen. – Tokio : Marudze`n, 2014. – 330 s.
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  10. 経済新語辞典. – 東京 : 日本経済新聞社, 2005年. – 700頁. Slovar` e`konomicheskix neologizmov. – Tokio : Nixon ke`jdzaj simbunsya, 2005. – 700 s.
  11. 広辞苑. – 東京 : 岩波書店, 一九九二年. – 2858頁. E`nciklopedicheskij slovar` «Kodzie`n». – Tokio : Ivanami syote`n, 1992. – 2858 s.
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  13. 宮崎郇司. 時事解説と経済英語: 社会言語と語義変化 // 時事英語学研究. – 1962年. – 第1号. – 10–16頁. Miyadzaki Dzyundzi. Aktual`noe tolkovanie anglijskoj e`konomicheskoj leksiki: sociolingvistika i leksicheskie transformacii // Current English Studies. – 1962. – №1. – S. 10–16.
  14. 日経キーワード重要500. – 東京 : 日経人材情報, 2005年. – 296頁. 500 vazhnejshix klyuchevy`x terminov «Nixon ke`jdzaj simbun». – Tokio : Nikke`j dzindzaj dzyoxo, 2005. – 296 s.
  15. 日経 経済英語和英大辞典. – 東京 : 日本経済新聞社, 2004年. – 1420頁. Bol`shoj e`konomicheskij anglo-yaponskij slovar` «Nixon ke`jdzaj simbun». – Tokio : Nixon ke`jdzaj simbunsya, 2004. – 1420 s.
  16. プレム・モトワニ. 日英略語・略称辞典 / M. Prem. – 東京 : 丸善, 平成5年. – 270頁. Prem, M. Yapono-anglijskij slovar` abbreviatur i sokrashhenij. – Tokio : Nixon Marudze`n, 1993. – 270 s.


UDC 327 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/75-83

Alexandr A. SHNYRKO On concerning constructing a Functional-Semantic Field of negation in Modern Japanese

The modern Japanese language has a well-developed system of morphological and lexical means of expressing negation: preflectional and post-flexional verb suffixes, lexical markers (word derivations with negative prefixes, semantically negative but morphologically non-marked lexemes, negative implicatives), fixed grammatical constructions, connected negators, etc. The totality of all different-level means of negation in Modern Japanese forms the Functional-Semantic Field (FSF) of negation. The FSF of negation belongs to the type of strongly centered (monocentric) functionalsemantic fields based on a morphological category as its center. Regularly reproduced units of the FSF of negation belonging to grammar category of negation are considered as main constituents forming the center of the FSF of negation. Other constituents displaying smaller underlying base, frequency (regularity) and more limited sphere of usage, are arranged in the direction from the center of FSF towards its periphery according to their functional characteristics.

Key words: Japanese Language, negation, functional-semantic field, constituent


  1. Avilova N.S. Vid glagola i semantika glagol`nogo slova. M.: Nauka, 1976. -328 s.
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  13. Shny`rko A.A. O semantike i sintaksicheskix xarakteristikax konstrukcii NO DE`S (v svyazi s problemoj granicz otriczaniya) // Yaponiya i sovremenny`j mir. Gumanitarny`e issledovaniya. Materialy` Pervoj regional`noj nauchnoj konferencii. Xabarovsk 15 iyunya 2007 g. Vladivostok: izd-vo Dal`nevostochnogo universiteta, 2008.- S. 173-195.
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  15. Shny`rko A.A. O svyazi negacii s morfologiej i leksikoj v sovremennom yaponskom yazy`ke // Vestnik Centra yaponovedeniya Vostochnogo instituta Dal`nevostochnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologicheskij vy`pusk 2. Vladivostok, izd-vo Dal`nevostochnogo universiteta, 2010. – S.135-155.
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  18. Martin, Samuel E. A Reference Grammar of Japanese. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1975. – 1198 p.
  19. Dik, Simon C. The Theory of Functional Grammar. Part 1: The Structure of the Clause. Dordrecht – Holland; Providence RI – U.S.A.: Foris Publications, 1989. – 433 p.
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  23. 橋本進吉。助詞・助動詞の研究 。東京:岩波書店、1969 =Xasimoto Sinkiti. Issledovanie chasticz i sluzhebny`x glagolov. Tokio: Ivanami syote`n, 1969.- 480 s.



UDC 327 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/84-90

Valentin I. VOLOSHCHAK, Artyom L. LUKIN Russian assessments of North Korea’s military capabilities

North Korea’s military capabilities are notoriously difficult to assess, due to lack of credible information. This article provides an analytical overview of the Russian experts’ and official evaluations of the DPRK’s armed forces. The paper examines both conventional and nuclear dimensions of North Korea’s capabilities. The article aims to determine whether North Korea has achieved effective deterrence against its adversaries. The authors point out that the previous experts’ and official skeptical position with regard to North Korea’s nuclear capabilities has changed towards partial recognition of its ability to provide minimal deterrence. The role of unconventional non-nuclear potential, such as chemical and biological weapons and the means of cyberwarfare, is underlined in the paper as well. The authors conclude that the DPRK’s military power is based not only on nuclear and missile capabilities, but also on conventional weapons, despite the fact that Korean People’s Army lacks capable ships and warplanes, and operates obsolete equipment..

Key words: North Korea (DPRK), nuclear problem of the Korean Peninsula, security in Northeast Asia, North Korea’s nuclear and missile program, North Korea’s conventional forces, deterrence


  1. Vy`stuplenie i otvety` na voprosy` SMI Ministra inostranny`x del Rossii S. V. Lavrova v xode press-konferencii po itogam 24-go zasedaniya SMID OBSE, Vena, 8 dekabrya 2017 goda [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Sajt Ministerstva inostranny`x del Rossijskoj Federacii. URL http://www.mid.ru/ru/press_service/minister_speeches/-/asset_publisher/7OvQR5KJWVmR/content/id/2983345 (data obrashheniya: 15.12.2017)
  2. Gordienko D. V. Ocenka urovnya voennoj bezopasnosti gosudarstv Korejskogo poluostrova // Koreya: 70 let posle osvobozhdeniya: kollektivnaya monografiya / Otv. red.: A. Z. Zhebin. – M.: Institut Dal`nego Vostoka RAN, 2015. S. 39–51.
  3. Denisov V. I. Severokorejskie vooruzhenny`e sily` i ix rol` v politicheskoj zhizni KNDR // Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta, 2011. № 4. S. 44–48.
  4. Evseev V. V. Ocenka voennogo potenciala KNDR // Koreya: 70 let posle osvobozhdeniya: kollektivnaya monografiya / Otv. red.: A. Z. Zhebin. – M.: Institut Dal`nego Vostoka RAN, 2015. S. 52–61.
  5. Kashin V. B. Vozmozhna li vojna na Korejskom poluostrove [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Izvestiya. 11.04.2017. URL https://iz.ru/news/680912 (data obrashheniya: 01.12.2017)
  6. «Nel`zya delit` xakerov na svoix i chuzhix». Interv`yu s Vladimirom Rubanovy`m, by`vshim nachal`nikom analiticheskogo upravleniya KGB SSSR [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Ogonek. 30.01.2017. URL https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3199990 (data obrashheniya: 13.12.2017)
  7. Novy`j vy`zov posle «xolodnoj vojny`»: rasprostranenie oruzhiya massovogo unichtozheniya [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Sajt Sluzhby` vneshnej razvedki Rossijskoj Federacii. URL http://svr.gov.ru/material/2-13-10.htm (data obrashheniya: 14.12.2017)
  8. Putin vspomnil besedu s Kim Chen Irom ob atomnoj bombe KNDR [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Lenta.ru. 04.10.2017. URL https://lenta.ru/news/2017/10/04/bomb/ (data obrashheniya: 12.12.2017)
  9. Chuprin K. Voennaya mashina KNDR. Korejskaya narodnaya armiya vchera i segodnya: kratkij informacionno-analiticheskij spravochnik. – M.: Vikta, 2016. 548 s.
  10. Bermudez J. S. The Yeonpyeong Island Incident [Electronic document] // 38north.org. URL http://www.38north.org/2011/01/the-yeonpyeong-island-incident/ (data obrashheniya: 12.12.2017)
  11. Cordesman A. H. The Military Balance in the Koreas and Northeast Asia / A. H. Cordesman, C. Ayers // Washington, D. C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2016. 594 p.
  12. KN-09 (KNDR) [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Military Russia. URL http://militaryrussia.ru/blog/topic-811.html (data obrashheniya: 08.12.2017)
  13. Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Annual Report to Congress // Arlington: Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2015. 23 p.
  14. The Military Balance 2016 // L.: The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2016. 504 p.



UDC 94 (517) doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/91-96

Alexandr D. GOMBOZHAPOV Some notes on migration and nomads of Mongolia

The article examines the trends in Mongolian nomadism development on the example of studying the socio-economic status of nomads of the Bulgan province. Surveys among nomad households in the form of a semi-formalized interview were conducted on the territory of four districts (Mogod, Sayhan, Orkhon and Burag-Hangay); 28 households with GPS determination of seasonal parking were obtained. It is shown that changes in the traditional economy of nomads are dictated by the consumer demand of the urban population. Particular attention is drawn to the reasons for the migration of nomads. The general vector of migration is directed to cities that act as major markets for livestock products. Some aspects of the relationship of nomad migrants with the local population are explored.

Key words: nomads, Mongolia, migration, traditional economy, market


  1. Bennigsen A. P. Neskol`ko danny`x o sovremennoj Mongolii. – SPb: b. i., 1912. 103 s.
  2. Majskij I. Sovremennaya Mongoliya. Otchyot Mongol`skoj e`kspedicii, snaryazhyonnoj Irkutskoj kontoroj Vserossijskogo central`nogo soyuza potrebitel`ny`x obshhestv «Centrosoyuz». – Irkutsk, 1921. 460 s.
  3. Simukov A. D. Trudy` o Mongolii i dlya Mongolii. T. 1. / Gosudarstvenny`j muzej e`tnologii. – Osaka: b. i., 2007. 976 c.
  4. Mongol ulsad orshin suugaa xүn amy`n too, bag/xoroo, xot xөdөөgөөr // Statistikijn me`de`e`lijn ne`gdse`n san [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL http://www.1212.mn/statHtml/statHtml.do# [Data obrashheniya: 01.09.2017 g.].


UDC 327.7 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/97-107

Eugeniy E. VLASOV, Sofia A. PERMYAKOVA Asia–Europe Meeting: analyzing the educational track of cooperation

Asia–Europe Meeting (ASEM) is one of the largest existing transregional international organizations uniting countries of Europe and East Asia with the purpose of developing cross-cultural and inter-civilizational dialogue on a wide array of issues of mutual interest within the economic, political and socio-humanitarian spheres. Founded in 1996, ASEM has managed to develop a comprehensive architecture of multilateral cooperation spanning over different levels and fields of cooperation. Due to its great relevance for Asia-Europe dialogue, economy was perceived as the main area of cooperation in frames of ASEM. However recently with the establishment of ASEM Educational Ministers’ Meeting, ASEM Education Secretariat and a number of other initiatives, education is currently securing a place of the second most important sphere of cooperation. In this article the authors are trying to make a comprehensive analysis of educational track of ASEM cooperation, including its main initiatives, projects and mechanisms.

Key words: Asia-Europe Meeting, ASEM, educational cooperation, Asia–Europe Foundation, ASEM Education Secretariat


  1. Bazarov B.V., Baldano M.N., Badaraev D.D. Sootnoshenie migracionny`x vektorov i nomadizma v sovremennom mongol`skom obshhestve // Vlast`. – M., 2015 – №10. – S. 213-218.


doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/108-118

«We need a new scientific paradigm...»: An interview with A.M. Kuznetsov

The interview with Anatoliy Kuznetsov, Professor, Department of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University, is taken on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The main subject of the conversation is the scholar’s research experience and his assessment of the development level and current state of social and humanitarian science in Russia, at Far Eastern Federal University. Anatoliy Kuznetsov emphasizes the importance of giving due regard to local research traditions and scientific schools. He considers the development of scientific theory to be absolutely essential and points to the prospects of developing a systematic approach, which, given its unrevealed potential, can be in demand under the conditions of high variability and uncertainty pertaining to modern times.


doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/119-120

Jubilee of Alexandr Shnyrko

doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-4/121-125

On Memory of Aleksandr Kozhevnikov