Oriental Institute Journal, 2020, №45 (1)

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UDC 811.581.11+316.752.4+32.019.52   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2020-1/6-22

Ksenia M. NAUMOVA   Globalization (全球化) as a Linguo-cultural Phenomenon in the Life of Contemporary China

In the era of globalization many countries around the world are in the search for their new national identity. China is no exception here. Everybody will agree that it has changed a lot in terms of its economic development for the last 20 years thanks to the governmental reforms and efforts. Besides, the famous traditional Chinese culture has been undergoing some changes in its value system, which can be seen not only in the new ways of social behavior, but also in the language. Here we will analyze the contexts, in which the word 全球化 quánqiúhuà ‘globalization’ is used by the native speakers, and try to find the most commonly used expressions in order to illustrate the associations it evokes in their minds. Then we will try to show the attitudes of Chinese youth towards globalization based on the publications and private talks, as well as the views of the older generation represented by the works of Wang Meng and Lin Yutang. Furthermore, this new state of affairs is quite beneficial for the Chinese governmental policy that wants to play an important role in building the world’s prosperity. Thus, Chinese society will try to find a balance between new ideas and its traditional culture with the emphasis on the renewal of the latter.

Key words: Chinese culture, globalization, value system, Chinese language, public opinion, policy, Lin Yutang, Wang Meng


UDC 81-23  doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2020-1/23-33

Olga V. NIKOLAEVA   Communication Techniques in Implementation of the Patriotic Rhetoric through Chinese Media in English

The paper is devoted to the issues of pragmatic effectiveness of China's patriotic rhetoric in the Chinese media in English. Chinese traditional and modern mass-media communication techniques are identified. The author defines the role of figurative actualization of the external threat concept through the metaphor of war in relation to critical economic and social factors, and the image of the great overcoming used to raise the patriotic spirit of the nation. Historical allusions and folk wisdom are presented as tools of traditional patriotic rhetoric in China. Modern mass-media communication practices of China include specific resources of the English language and the English-language speech tradition. In the coverage of critical events China employs harsh warning rhetoric, pun, and sarcasm. In light of the harsh attacks from the United States and the demonization of China in the American press and American politics, the communication practices of China's patriotic rhetoric, despite their deliberate external aggressiveness, are viewed as the reaction of a defensivenature.

Key words: patriotism, patriotic rhetoric, Chinese media in English, pragmatics, communication techniques, verbal behavior patterns, frames of mind and speech


UDC 81`42   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2020-1/34-44

Suojun ZHANG, Elena A. VASEEVA  Translator’s Notes from Paratextuality Perspective (as Exemplified in “The Secret History of the Mongols” Translated by Ardazhabu)

The theory of intertextuality has proved to be very useful in translation studies, as it gives a more precise view of the translation process and its result. Paratexts include all the elements that surround the text – titles, prefaces, epilogue, and the like, and also include notes made by the translator. Translator’s notes play an important role in translation work. They are an indispensable means for making the translated text comprehensible for the audience belonging to a different cultural environment. Notes fulfill various functions and have significant effects. The paper studies the notes made by Ardazhabu in his translation of The Secret History of the Mongols into Chinese. The function of elucidation seems to be one of the most significant in the translator’s notes of the studied text. But the translator not only explains and clarifies some parts in the source text, but also endeavors to guide the readers’ interpretation of the contents by presenting alternative points of view on some ideas. The analysis of representative examples shows that notes can fulfill more than one function and draw on various sources of information and reasoning.

Key words: paratextuality, paratext, translation, source text, target text, translator’s notes, functions, Ardazhabu, The Secret History of the Mongols 



UDC 327(510)    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2020-1/45-63

Pavel S. OVCHINNIKOV, Yaroslav A. BARBENKO    “Sea Power” of the PRC: State or Position?

Based on the concept of sea power by Alfred Thayer Mahan, the authors explore the modern development of the PRC. Particular attention is paid to the state of modern China in which we included its geographical position, economic indicators, demographic characteristics, as well as navy and government administration style. It is worth noting that, in Mahan’s concept of sea power, the main policy tool is the merchant navy, which operates both in peacetime and in wartime. Complementing the theory of geopolitics, we analyzed the modern development of China and estimated the potential of state's sea power. By state, we mean the quality of the object under study, by position, a function of the state of the object that changes its environment, so the position of the object is the result of the state of the object itself and the state of its environment. The identification and grouping of the factors of “sea power” showed that the state of China corresponds to the provisions of the theory, but its position cannot be qualified as the position of “sea power”. However, its fast-growing economy, along with several national and geopolitical strategies of the country can help China achieve the sea power. 

Key words: Sea power, Alfred Thayer Mahan, China, sea rivalry, Navy, geographical position, economic situation


UDC 327    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2020-1/64-72

Polina A. SKIRUTA , Ivan N. ZOLOTUKHIN   The energy dimension of the territorial dispute in the South China Sea through the positions of China, Vietnam and Russia

In this article, we will consider the political and economic components of the maritime territorial conflict between China and Vietnam in the South China Sea, as well as the position of Russia, which is in a comprehensive strategic partnership with both disputants. The maritime territorial conflict in South China Sea has existed for many years and is investigated by many researchers because both claimants cannot come to term with each other. The article briefly describes the conflict anatomy and arguments submitted by both countries. Russia is interested in developing the oil and gas fields of the South China Sea. It should be emphasized that Russia is trying to keep economic cooperation with both China and Vietnam despite the considered conflict. The methodological basis of the work includes the analysis of the research findings from domestic and foreign authors, as well as materials and documents in the problem studied. The article presents the statistics on hydrocarbon production in the area of the South China Sea. The estimation and analysis of both risks and prospects for further cooperation in the disputed areas are given in the work.

Key words: territorial disputes, South China Sea, disputed waters, the international cooperation, strategic partnership, fuel and energy resources, hydrocarbon exploitation



UDC 94(571)   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2020-1/73-107

Vadim N. KARAMAN   “Crime of Punishment”: A Tale-Confession of Unlawfully Repressed

Oriental Institute journal publishes the memoirs of Mikhail Petrovich Sayapin, a political prisoner and writer. These memoirs were given for publication by his former student, Yuri Ivanovich Trifonov-Repin, who until the death headed the Primorsky branch of the Memorial Society. Mikhail Petrovich Sayapin was born in 1917 in the village of Beloyarovo, Amur Region. He received incomplete higher education at the Blagoveshchensk and Saratov colleges. In 1938, Sayapin was arrested on charges of creating an illegal literary section. In 1944, Mikhail Sayapin was released, and in 1956 he was rehabilitated. Mikhail Petrovich devoted 20 years to teaching and raising children, he was a freelance correspondent for the newspaper “Udarnyi Front” (“Shock Front”) in Dalnegorsk (Primorsky Territory). In 1989, the newspaper “Udarnyi Front” published his story-confession, “Crime in Punishment”. Mikhail Petrovich died in 1990. The text is given according to the manuscript, verified with the publication in the newspaper “Udarnyi Front” with preservation of author`s spelling and punctuation. Only explicit typos fixed.



UDC 861.121.1    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2020-1/108-120

Alexandr S. DYBOVSKY   Masterpieces of Textbooks on Japanese as a Foreign Language (1): An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese (中級の日本語 [改訂版])

With this article, we begin a series of publications on the masterpieces of educational literature on Japanese as a foreign language. The textbook was chosen to start the series because it became the most mentioned textbook in surveys of FEFU students and teachers in 2018–2019. The article analyzes the structure and content of this textbook. The positive aspects of the textbook include the relevance of the content (various situations of life of American students in Japan), the careful selection of the corpus of texts with a focus on the spoken language of the younger generation of the Japanese in the first decades of the 21st century, the compact presentation of grammatical material, the abundance of communicative tasks – communicative games, interviews, brainstorming, etc. The elements of dramatization in sketches, as well as a cultural commentary, which is introduced in each of the 15 lessons of the textbook, deserve praise. Speaking about the shortcomings, it should be noted that some materials of the textbook are outdated, since its first version was published in 1994, and it was impossible to update everything in the latest edition of the textbook in 2008, which is the subject of analysis in our publication. The article consistently analyzes the materials of the ten main sections of the lesson.

Key words: Japanese studies, Japanese language textbooks, Japanese as a foreign language, masterpieces of textbooks on Japanese as a foreign language


UDC 327   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2020-1/121-127

Ivan N. ZOLOTUKHIN   ASEAN as Unique Model of Regionalism

The article reviews the book «ASEAN Community in the Modern World», published by a group of scholars of the Center for the Vietnam and ASEAN Studies of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and dedicated to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a model of regional integration. In the book the role and significance of this organization in international relations is clarified. The review reflects the prerequisites of the formation of the organization, the main stages of its development and its transformation into a pivotal actor of regional scale, considers the evolution of the association into the ASEAN Community, assesses the political heritage of ASEAN, as well as its relations with dialogue partners in the face of growing contradictions in Southeast Asia where the rivalry between China as a rising power, expanding its influence in regional issues, and the United States, making great efforts to strengthen their positions, is escalating.

Key words: Southeast Asia, ASEAN, integration, actor, international security, international institutes, territorial disputes, the South China Sea