The psychology of growing up in the digital age


Руководитель направления:

Гаврилова Татьяна Александровна

Кандидат психологических наук, доцент
Заведующая кафедрой психологии образования ШП ДВФУ

Татьяна Александровна в 1972 году окончила отделение психологии философского факультета Ростовского-на-Дону госуниверситета (ныне – Южный федеральный университет) и по распределению приехала молодым специалистом в Уссурийский государственный пединститут.

В 1979-1983 обучалась в очной аспирантуре НИИ общей и экспериментальной психологии Академии педнаук (ныне – Психологический институт РАО). В 1985 г. там же защитила кандидатскую диссертацию на тему «Критический анализ зарубежных психологических концепций «кризисности-бескризисности» перехода от детства к взрослости» под рук. д.пс.н. В.Э. Чудновского.

97 научных публикаций, h-индекс 1

The main areas of research:

1. Death Attitudes  in adolescence

Based on the author's concept of autoomortal anxiety as a person's anxiety about personal unavoidable mortality, data were obtained on the first child's experience of experiencing the awareness of mortality, on age-sex differences in the person's attitude towards death, on  coping strategies with fear of death in adolescence, on the role of autoomortal anxiety in the structure of personal aggressiveness of boys and girls.

2. Age-status identification of the person

In a cohort study, data were obtained on the reduction in the identification of adolescents with the status of an adult, a qualitative change in the adolescent image of an adult when comparing the generations of the late 1980s and the 10th of the 21st century.

3. Applied psychodiagnostics

The author's questionnaire "Age-status self-awareness" was developed, questionnaires Death Anxiety Scale (D.Templer),  Death Attitudes Profile (P.T.P. Wong) were adapted.

4. Personal aspects of cyber-behavior of adolescents

The data on teenage motives of communication in social networks are obtained.

An Internet project was launched to investigate the personal characteristics of adolescents who are interested in destructive sites.

Члены научного коллектива:

Popova Svetlana Albertovna, Senior Teacher of the Department of Educational Psychology;

Shvets Faina Andreevna,

Senior teacher of the department of Educational Psychology;

Slinkova Tatyana Vladimirovna, PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Psychology;

Markova Oxana Viktorovna, PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Psychology


Tatyana Aleksandrovna Gavrilova, RGNF, Research of tanatic experiences of the person at a stage of transition from the childhood to adulthood, 2002-2004, 300 000 rub.;

Tatiana Aleksandrovna Gavrilova, RGNF, Death Anxiety as a factor in the development of central psychological formatations in adolescence and youth, 2007-2009, 750,000 rub;

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Gavrilova, RGNF, Death Anxiety in the structure of personal aggressiveness, 2012-2013, 360,000 rubles;

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Gavrilova, RGNF, Age-sex differences in death attitudes: Russian specificity, 2015-2016, 600,000 rub.

Svetlana Albertovna Popova, Psychological defences and coping strategies with the death anxiety in adolescence, 2013-2014, 150,000 rub.

Ключевые публикации:

Gavrilova TA Death anxiety in adolescence / / Voprosy psikhologii. 2004. - №6. P.63- 71ТатьянаГаврилова

Gavrilova Т.А. , Shvets FA Awareness of personal mortality as a factor in the development of adolescent seanse of adulthood / / Voprosy psikhologii, 2010. № 4 ,. P.37-45ТатьянаГаврилова

Gavrilova Т.А. Death Anxiety of death in Terror Managment Theory by J.Grinberg, T. Pishchinsky and S. Solomon. / / Psikhologichesky zhurnal.2011.32. №1.СТатьянаГаврилова

Gavrilova Т.А. Automortal anxiety as a subject phenomenon // Psikhologichesky zhurnal. 2013. Т.34. №2.С. 99-107.ТатьянаГаврилова

Gavrilova Т.А. , Popova S.A. Success and structure of coping with automortal anxiety / / Psikhologiya. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki. 2014. №2. C.23-35.

Gavrilova, TA, Shvets F.A. Self-esteem of adulthood in schoolchildren of the 1980s and 2010s. / Voprosy psikhologii. 2015. № 5. With. 13 - 21ТатьянаГаврилова

Gavrilova Т.А. Five attitudes toward death: age-sex differences and cross-cultural comparisons // Psikhologichesky zhurnal, 2018