VI Международная летняя научная школа «Современные методы квантовой химии в приложениях»

VI Международная летняя научная школа «Современные методы квантовой химии в приложениях»

The VI International Summer School “Modern Quantum Chemistry Methods in Applications” will be held in Samara National Research University from July 15 till August 15 2020.

Students, graduate students and young researchers who want to master contemporary methods of physical and quantum chemistry to study structure and properties of molecular systems are invited to participate. Real urgent problems will be solved under guidance of leading Russian and foreign scientists.

To participate in the school, please until July 1, 2020 fill the application form and send it to the organization committee (;

No registration fee for the participation in the International Summer School.

To participate in the school activities one can choose any convenient period of time during July 15- August 15, but no less than five working days.

About school:


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