На сайте издательства Elsevier в свободном доступе статьи Нобелевских лауреатов 2016 г.

На сайте издательства Elsevier в свободном доступе статьи Нобелевских лауреатов 2016 г.

Honoring the 2016 Nobel laureates with free access to selections of their research.

Research by Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine
Yoshinori Ohsumi – selection of top-cited papers published by Elsevier 

Research by Nobel Laureates in Physics 
Elsevier has made these articles freely available through 2022: 
David Thouless – selection top cited papers published by Elsevier 

Research by Nobel Laureates in Chemistry
Elsevier has made these articles freely available through 2022: 
Jean-Pierre Sauvage– selection of top cited papers published by Elsevier 

Research by Nobel Laureates in Economics
Elsevier has made these articles freely available through 2022: 
Oliver Hart– selection of top-cited papers published by Elsevier 

Источник: https://www.elsevier.com 


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