Assessment System

The quality of the knowledge gained is assessed at the university in a continuous process of monitoring and evaluation. Students receive a hard copy of their results and evaluation during their studies, however; this document does not replace the official graduation certificate.

In case a student fails to pass an exam, his/her school gives him/her an extra opportunity to upgrade their work in order to pass the subject. However, students can be expelled from the university for academic failure, in case they failed to pass the subject several times,

Moreover, Students with scholarships might risk losing their grants if they received satisfactory marks due to their poor performance.


What is the Examination Session?

It is the exam period where you have to pass all exams and tests.

A FEFU student has two sessions a year:

Winter sessions: The end of December to early February (students also have New Year vacation during this period)

Summer sessions: June

FEFU has a rating system, therefore, if you work hard, attend classes, seminars, and workshops, a professor can give you an “excellent” mark without an exam.

How is the exam different from the credit?

In the exam, you can get a rating: Satisfactory / Good /Excellent. However, credits are not rated you just pass or fail the subject.

*A student needs to get all the necessary credits before the start of the examination session.

How to change a major within the university?

Transfer from one major to another is possible while preserving the basis of training (at the expense of the federal budget or on a contractual basis), in accordance with which the student studied before. However, transfer to places funded by the federal budget is possible only if there are vacancies at the university in this field of study or specialty.