Building Materials and Products

Snezhkov D. Yu., Leonovich S.N., Kim L.V.

DMITRYI Yu. SNEZHKOV, Candidate of Technics, Associate Professor, e-mail:
SERGEI N. LEONOVICH, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, е-mail:
Belorussia National Technical University, Minsk. 65 Independence Ave., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220013.
LEV V. KIM, Candidate of Technics, Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail:

Monitoring of reinforced concrete structures on the base of non-destructive tests of concrete: control procedures, conformity criteria

The article deals with the monitoring of strength parameters of concrete in constructions carried out by nondestructive methods basing on the standards adopted in Belorussia, Russian Federation, and the European Union countries. On the basis of the statistics of the in-situ concrete testing, its being suited to the strength grade has been considered and the ways of improving the efficiency of the monitoring have been suggested.

Key words: cast in place concrete, strength, non-destructive test, methods, procedure, combination, code.


1. Standard 10180-90. Concretes. Methods for determining of the strength. (in Russ.). [GOST 10180-90. Betony. Metody opredelenija prochnosti po kontrol'nym obrazcam].

2. Standard 17624-87. Concretes. Ultrasonic method for determination of strength. (in Russ.). [GOST 17624-87. Betony. Ul'trazvukovoj metod opredelenija prochnosti.

3. Leonovich S.N., Snezkhov D.Y. The study of the unequal strength of concrete of monolithic building construction by complex non-destructive method. The news of universities. Construction. 2009;8:108-115. (in Russ.). [Leonovich S.N., Snezhkov D.Ju.  Issledovanie neravnoprochnosti betona na ob#ekte monolitnogo stroitel'stva kompleksnym nerazrushajushhim metodom // Izv. vuzov. Stroitel'stvo. 2009. № 8. S. 108–115].

4. Leonovich S.N., Tour V.V., Snezkhov D.Y. Estimates of the characteristic compressive strength of concrete in structures by means of indirect testing methods. Safety of Building Fund of Russia. Problems and Solutions: Proceedings of the International academic forum of RAACS. Kursk, Kursk State Univ. Press, 2010, p. 160-166. (in Russ.). [Leonovich S.N., Tur V.V., Snezhkov D.Ju.  Ocenka harakteristicheskoj prochnosti na szhatie betona v konstrukcijah posredstvom kosvennyh metodov ispytanij // Bezopasnost' stroitel'nogo fonda Rossii. Problemy i reshenija: materialy mezhdunar. akademicheskih chtenij RAASN. Kursk: Kurskij gos. un-t, 2010. S. 160–166].

5. Snezhkov D.Y., Leonovich S.N. Non-destructive testing of concrete monolithic structures. Construction Science and Technique. Minsk. 2009;4:76-84. (in Russ.). [Snezhkov D.Ju., Leonovich S.N. Nerazrushajushhij kontrol' betona monolitnyh konstrukcij  // Stroitel'naja nauka i tehnika. Minsk. 2009. № 4. S. 76–84].

6. STB 2264-2012. Test of concrete. Non-destructive testing of strength. (in Russ.). [STB 2264-2012. Ispytanie betona. Nerazrushajushhij kontrol' prochnosti].

7. SNB 5.03.01-02. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. (in Russ.). [SNB 5.03.01-02. Betonnye i zhelezobetonnye konstrukcii].  

8. STB EN 206-1-2009. Concrete. Part 1: Requirements, characteristics, fabrication and conformity. (in Russ.). [STB EN 206-1-2009. Beton. Ch. 1. Trebovanija, pokazateli, izgotovlenie i sootvetstvie].

9. STB EN 13791-2012. Evaluation of the compressive strength of structures and precast concrete elements in the real conditions. (in Russ.). [STB EN 13791-2012. Ocenka prochnosti na szhatie konstrukcij i jelementov sbornogo betona v real'nyh uslovijah].