Leontev L.B., Shapkin N.P., Toklikishvili A.G., Rasskazova N.A.

LEV B. LEONTEV, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:
NICHOLAS P. SHAPKIN, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail:
ANTONINA G. TOKLIKISHVILI, Teaching Assistant, Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskоy, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail:
NADEZHDA A. RASSKAZOVA, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Head, Department of Computer Technology and Technical Disciplines, Novosibirsk Academy of Architecture and Art, Novosibirsk, Russia, e-mail:

The effect of friction modifiers on the topography of the surface of the steel 45 and the chemical composition of composite cermet coating

The paper is concerned with the effect, which the modifying of steel by 45 mineral, organomineral, and metallopolymeric materials has on the topography of the surface of the steel and the chemical composition of composite cermet coating. The parametres of roughness and topography of various coatings have been determined. It was established that the lowest roughness can be achieved when modifying the composition with 50 % metallosiloksana + 50 % aluminosilicate. High content of carbon, silicon, aluminum and oxygen in the composite coat is indicative of the formation of a layer of wear-resistant cermet.

Key words: friction modifier, topography, cover, cermet, chemical composition.


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