Ship design and construction
Original article
Kulesh V., Surov O., Pham Trung Hiep
VICTOR А. KULESH, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,
OLEG E. SUROV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor,
PHAM TRUNG HIEP, Postgraduate Student,
Polytechnic Institute
Far Eastern Federal University
Vladivostok, Russia
Analysis and reinforcement of a tanker barge for NAABSA1 class conditions
Abstract. The paper considers the issues of general longitudinal, transverse and local strength of the non-self-propelled tanker barge hull of 500 tons deadweight from the standpoint of interaction with the ground during drainage. The work was done to substantiate the conditions for compliance with the Register class symbol NAABSA1. The need to strengthen the keel in the forepeak area is shown. A simple scheme for strengthening the keel is proposed. The implementation of the proposed scheme ensures the safe operation of the vessel under NAABSA1 conditions with landings on the ground and drainage.
Keywords: tanker barge, landing on the ground, drainage, strength, keel reinforcement
See the reference in English at the end of the article
For citation: Kulesh V., Surov O., Pham Trung Hiep. Analysis and reinforcement of a tanker barge for NAABSA1 class conditions. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2023;(2):36-43. (In Russ.).