Theoretical and experimental methods of the high stressed rock and rock massives mechanics
Guzev M.A., Makarov V.V., Ksendzenko L.S., Golosov A.M.
MICHAEL A. GUZEV, Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor, Director (Institute of Applied Mathematics FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia);
VLADIMIR V. MAKAROV, Professor, School of Engineering, (Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia). E-mail:;
LUDMILA S. KSENDZENKO, Assistant-Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, School of Engineering (Far-Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia);
ANDREI M. GOLOSOV – Engineer, School of Engineering (Far-Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia). E-mail:
Geomechanics of high stressed rocks and massives
The basic approaches of geomechanics of highly stressed rocks and massive are presented, allowing to make forecasting of parametres of zonary destruction of a massive around underground openings. Main results of experimental researches of zonary deforming and destruction of a rock massive around underground openings on deposits of the Far East (mines Nikolaevskaya, Primorskaya etc.), dangerous on geodynamic phenomena of in situ pressure, are considered. Results of modelling of mesocracking structures in frameworks of non- Euclidean model are presented of mechanics of defective mediums. Full qualitative and good quantitative coincidence of experiment and the theory is shown. Possibility of the forecast of parametres of zonary structure and conditions of its realisation is shown. Article reflects the basic results received during realisation Federal Program «Scientific staff of Russia» in FENTU-FEFU.
Key words: deep deposits, high stress, rock, massives, non-Euclidean model, modelling, experimental research, forecast.
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