Rock failure mechanisms in the surrounding rock masses with deep level tunnels and in the source areas of disastrous events
Oparin V.N., Kiryaeva T.A.
VIKTOR N. OPARIN, Member-Correspondent, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Physics, Director, Chinakal Institute of Mining, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, e-mail:, 54 Krasny prospect, Novosibirsk 630091, Russia; TATIANA А. KIRYAEVA, Ph.D., Senior Researcher (Institute of Coal and Coal Chemistry KemSC SB RAS, Kemerovo), e-mail:
Geomechanical and physicochemical processes as determinants of outburst hazard and fire risk in the coal beds of Kuzbass
The authors have carried out the research to demontsrate the genetic affinity of the outburst hazard and fire risk in different rank coal beds in Kuzbass, resulting from specificity of geomechanical, geodynamic and thermochemical conditions and their evolution features during the orogenesis of the Earth (“geo-cracking” mechanism of hydrocarbon deposit formation by V.N. Oparin). It is emphasized that, as distinguished from the existing and dominating approaches to modelling the formation of the source zones of disastrous events in inorganic-nature rock masses, the adequate solution of the problems on outburst hazard and fire risk in coal fields should be based on the actual close relationship of the geomechanical and physicochemical mass-transfer processes running in multiphase coal beds of different rank in the course of mining at the predetermined depth and temperature.
It has been experimentally proved that:
- the infrared radiometry allows a remote control of the change in the stress-strain state of coal samples under real-time loading;
- the growth of inner specific surface area takes place in broken coal particles associated with the force of coal and gas outbursts during mining and, consequently, with the internal energy of elastic relaxation of coal-methane;
- there is a complete relationship between the mass loss Δm and the temperature of coal samples within two marked ranges: T1, from 40 to 60 ºC and T2, from 480 to 500 ºC. The coal mass loss within T2 is also connected with the internal energy of relaxation of coal methane;
- devolatalisation goes with endo-effects;
- - in the course of storage time of the coal samples after their extraction from productive strata, weakening of the gas component in the coal-methane substance is observed (including the connection of methane and coal.)
Key words: stress-strain state, temperature, coal, release of volatile gases, specific surface, structure, porosity, density, oxidation, combustion, outburst hazard, metamorphosis stages.
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