ENGINEERING SCIENCES. Electrical Еngineering

Aksenov V., Gorovoi S., Kudrin E.

VLADIMIR P. AKSENOV, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communications, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail:
SERGEY V. GOROVOI, Associate Professor, Instrument Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail: 
EVGENY A. KUDRIN, Head, Dalpolimetall Communication and Remote Control Office. 93, Ave 50 Years of October, Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia, 692446, e-mail:

Assessment of the quality of the telecommunications network of the enterprise Dalpolimetal

The article presents a survey of the work of the local network Ethernet, the town of Dalnegorsk, providing services only to its workers.

The modernisation of the telecommunications network of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex Dalpolimetall (MMC), which is being currently carried out in order to provide new network equipment for it, involves an assessment of the quality of its service with consideration for increased workload and data automation as well as the control of objects through the additional applications being installed.

Calculated are the indicators of the quality of the existing telecommunications network to connect it to the video surveillance and automated power metering system Octopus-M. The criteria for the quality of the local network are the calculated values of packet loss and a one-way packet delay in the network nodes. The obtained numerical values of these parametres enable one to decide upon alterations to be made in individual units of the equipment of the local network.

Key words: quality score, bandwidth, switch, LAN, network Ethernet, packet loss, packet delay, replacement of equipment.


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