Sergienko V., Denisenko Y., Dobrzhansky V., Ognev Y., Berdiev O., Duchina N.
VALENTIN I. SERGIENKO, Doctor оf Chemical Sciences, Professor; Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences; Vice-President, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences; Director, Institute of Chemistry, FEB RAS. Vladivostok. 159, Centennial Av., Vladivostok, Russia, 690022, e-mail:
YURIY P. DENISENKO, Managing Director, Arsenуev Aviation Company Progress, JSC. 5 Lenin Square, Arsenyev, Russia, 692335, е-mail:
VITALY G. DOBZHANSKY, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Head, Advanced Technology Group, Institute of Chemistry, FEB RAS, Vladivostok. 159, Centennial Av., Vladivostok, Russia, 690022, е-mail:
YURIY F. OGNEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Sub_Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Engineering, Director, the Arsenyev Вranch, Far Eastern Federal University. 20 Novikov St., Arsenyev, Russia, 692335. E-mail:
OLEG Sh. BERDIEV, Deputy Director in Charge of Research and Development, the Arsenyev Barnch, Far Eastern Federal University. 20 Novikov St., Arsenyev, Russia, 692335. E-mail:
NADEZHDA E. DUSHINA, Engineer-Technologist, Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association, JSC. 1 Sovetskaya St., Khabarovsk Krai, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia, 681018
The bench tests of light alloys for corrosion resistance by a salt fog procedure while modelling a subtropical climate
When exploiting war-transport and civil aircrafts in tropical and oceanic climate, the risks of defects caused by corrosion are high. The causes are as follows: the contact corrosion between the materials, the degree of thermal treatment and plastic deformation; the exploitation of the aircrafts in the coastal regions of tropical and subtropical zones of South East Asia, and hard climatic conditions (China, Vietnam, India, etc.)
In this connection, pressing is the task to reveal the principal causes of the contact deformation between various materials, the degree of their thermal treatment, and that of their plastic deformation. There should be examined the action of damages of components covered with hard protective layers: a) steel cadmium parts or those without varnish-coloured covering (VCC), springs, steel fastening elements, fixed screws, and pipe-line connections; b) pipe-lines of aluminum alloys, with defects of the layer (VCC) evenness in the zone of the contact from the inner surface of the glider of the aircraft.
Key words: corrosion damages, exploitation of aircrafts, storage of aircrafts, performance of aircrafts; aircraft industry products.
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