Aircraft Designing and Manufacturing

Tarabanova V., Sineva E., Andreevskaia A., Tarabanov I., Vishnyak S.

VERA TARABANOVA, Maintenance Engineer, Technical Service Department, e-mail:, ELENA SINEVA, Manager, Marketing Export-Import Department, e-mail:, ANASTASIYA ANDREEVSKAYA, Part-Programming Engineer, Marketing Export-Import Department, e-mail:, ISAAK TARABANOV, Deputy Chief, Technical Equipment Department, e‑mail:, SERGEY VISHNYAK, Process Technician, Components Assembly Operations (Student, FEFU, Arsenyev Branch) 
PJSC AAC Progress 
5, Lenin's square, Arsenyev, Primorski Region, Russia, 692335

Maintaining the steady operation of equipment in the aviation company

Abstract: The activities of various departments of an aviation enterprise include various aspects: there should be determined the standards and limits of material consumption in individual workshops, carried out control over the material take-off, and observed the regulations of the consumption of oil and lubricants set by the certificate of the machine. In their article, the authors propose a way to simplify and accelerate the drawing up of an application for accessories and materials when using various instruments and equipment and carrying out its routine repair. The research was performed at the Arsenyev Aviation Company Progress. The results obtained in the course of the research work have been applied in the large-scale production and they may be applied as well both in the industry and other engineering enterprises. The authors have worked out the scheme of a database for the equipment in operation in the enterprise, which is a memory storage used when an application is being drawn up for accessory items and articles to be procured. In a similar manner, systemised is the storage of information on equipment groups and quantity of finished items which makes it possible to calculate the consumption of cutting fluid and spares for upcoming repair. The process of surveying the required parts, units, aggregates, materials, etc. involves hundreds of various items which earlier complicated the search for and choice of the concrete way of maintaining the equipment. Thanks to the proposed processing of data, the work of structural subdivisions of the company and the collaboration between them can be optimsed.
Key words: PPM system, application for consumption, extensive repair, maintenance complexity, information storage unit, lubricant consumption, material control


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