Aircraft Designing and Manufacturing

Kuprikov N., Dolgov O., Kuprikov M., Ivanov B.

NIKITA KUPRIKOV, Junior Scientist, Moscow Aviation Institute, e-mail:; OLEG DOLGOV, Professor, Ph.D., Department 101 Airplane Design, Moscow Aviation Institute, e-mail:; MICKHAIL KUPRIKOV, Ph.D., Professor, Head of Department 904 Engineer Graphics, Moscow Aviation Institute, e-mail:
National Research University
4 Volokolamskoe Av., Moscow, A-80, GSP-3, Russia, 125993
BORIS IVANOV, Ph.D. (in Geography Science), Head of a Laboratory, SSC Arctic & Antarctic Scientific Research Institute, Associate Professor, e-mail:
St. Petersburg State University
38 Bering St., St. Petersburg, Russia, 199397

The effect of infrastructural and geographical constraints on the airplanes in service in the Arctic Region of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The development of the promising arctic regions conditions the necessity to develop the transport infrastructure as well. It requires a particular approach to the characteristics of the regional airplanes which entails the necessity to work out new strategies in design and engineering operations. The Arctic Territory being claimed an exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, the development primarily of the transport network including air cargo carriages and passenger air services becomes a necessity to make the region steadily progress. The solution of the transport problem is a compromise between the aircraft performance and operation characteristics.
Key words: Arctic, North Pole, airplane, ice, aircraft performance characteristics.


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