OF EARTH SCIENCES. Geomechanics, rock destruction

Deev P.V., Tormysheva O.A., Levischeva O.M. 

PETR V. DEEV, Doctor of Technical Science, Assistant Professor, е-mail: dodysya@yandex.ru;
OLGA A. TORMYSHEVA, PhD (Technical Science), Assistant Professor, е-mail: knopka85@bk.ru;
OKSANA M. LEVISCHEVA, Postgraduate Student, е-mail: luckywomen888@mail.ru. Tula State University, Tula.

The estimation of the stress state in pillars between the excavations of arbitrary shape under earthquake seismic effects

The article offers a new technique to estimate the stress state of pillars between the parallel excavations of arbitrary cross section under earthquake seismic effects. The technique is based on the analytical solutions of the plane problems of the elasticity theory considering the stress state of infinite medium weakened by the holes of arbitrary shape under the action of non-equal stress and pure shear on the infinities. The procedure enables one to calculate the direction of seismic wave propagation corresponding to the worst case of pillar loading. The examples of the calculations are given in it.

Key words: pillar, stress state, earthquake, seismic waves, quasi-static problems.

This work was supported by grant from President of Russian Federation MD-1546.2014.05


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